Micro Premix iPRO
Professional-Developed by team of Nutritionists with advanced degrees and a combined total of more than 60 years of industry experience
Protect-Designed to protect the genetic potential, intestinal integrity and financial investment in pigs.
Provide-The latest extruded ingredients and combinations of flax, soybean meal , canola seed and peas in certain products to provide a complex balance of essential amino acids and omega oil.
- 5 Organic Trace Minerals
- Chromium
- Phytase
- Non- Starch Polysaccharide (NSP) Ezymes
- Live Yeast in certain products
- Probiotics in certain products
- Amino acids included in certain products
- Antioxidants
- Flavours and sweetners in certain products
- Yucca in certain products
- Extra fibres in certain products
- Magnesium in certain products
Prolific- Nutrient levels designed for the most prolific pig genetics in our industry.
Promote- Designed to promote modern high levels of reproductive performance, growth rates,carcass quality and feed efficiency.
Profitable- A focus on Features vs Benefits and MOF (Margin over Feed) and $ Return/Sow in pig enterprises
Micro Premix iPRO Line Up
- Very high (significant) levels of certain B-Vitamins
- High level of energy from digestible fats
- Beta-glucanase and cellulase enzymes
- Omega 3 fatty acids and other fats/oils
- Organic acid
- Live yeast
- Sweeteners, flavours and aromas
- High vitamins
- Very high (significant) levels of certain B-Vitamins
- High level of energy from digestible fats
- Beta-glucanase and cellulase enzymes
- Omega 3 fatty acids and other fats/oils
- Organic acid
- Live yeast
- Sweeteners, flavours and aromas
- High vitamins
- Very high (significant) levels of certain B-Vitamins
- High level of energy from digestible fats
- Beta-glucanase and cellulase enzymes
- Omega 3 fatty acids and other fats/oils
- Organic acid
- Live yeast
- Sweeteners, flavours and aromas
- High vitamins