.- Select Blend of Isotonic and Hypotonic Electrolytes
- Specific Amino Acids Through Synthetic and Natural Sources
- Combination of energy sources = fats and sugars & starches
- Select fat soluble & water soluble vitamins provided through select forms
- Select macro & micro minerals provided through select forms
- Select feed additives
- Enzymes
- Acidifiers
- Probiotics
- Prebiotics
- Intake Enhancers
- Corrects stress induced electrolyte imbalances thus maintaining both blood and muscle acid/base balance for optimum stress resistance and performance
- Prevents breakdown of muscle protein and increases rate of protein synthesis resulting in continued lean tissue deposition for increased daily gain
- Alleviates glycogen and fat depletion in muscle and liver resulting in a positive energy balance for decreased body weight loss and increased body weight gain
- Improves metabolic functions resulting in the enhanced ability to deal with stressful free radical production for optimum stress resistance and performance
- Improves metabolic functions resulting in the enhanced ability to deal with stressful free radical production for optimum stress resistance and performance
- Improves the gut environment thus increasing the population of beneficial microbes in the gut for increased feed intake and improved nutrient absorption and better feed efficiency