Plug and Play Water Acidification Package
Most of the water in the South and South East contains appreciable amounts of calcium, giving it its characteristic "hardness". These calcium levels can result in several problems, all of which can be alleviated by acidifying the water. Although pH 7 is "neutral" (not acidic or alkaline), it is not the optimum crop pH for irrigation on outdoor and container crops. The recommended range of irrigation water pH and substrate solution pH for production depends on the crop. In general, pH should be 5.2-6.8 for irrigation water and 5.4-6.3 for substrate solution. If the pH and alkalinity is high, water may need acid treatment prior to use on crops.
Enhance 1
Enhance I: Contains Sodium Chlorite (OxyChem) NSF/ANSI Standard 60 Listed- Ideal and very cost effective for users of chlorine dioxide
- Effective against all water related micro organisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, yeast)
- Very cost effective method of generating chlorine dioxide with minimal up-front investment costs in plant, equipment and training
- The smell, taste and colour of drinking water improves
- Less load on sewage & Reduction of residue in water No resistance building by micro-organisms
- Fully operational at pH levels between 4 and 10
Enhance 2
Enhance II: Contains Food Grade ACID- Ideal and very cost effective for users of chlorine dioxide
- Effective against all water related micro organisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, yeast)
- Very cost effective method of generating chlorine dioxide with minimal up-front investment costs in plant, equipment and training
- The smell, taste and colour of drinking water improves
- Less load on sewage & Reduction of residue in water No resistance building by micro-organisms
- Fully operational at pH levels between 4 and 10
Acid Mix
ACID MIX cleans the piping and reservoirs from inorganic accumulation such as scale and rust- Reduces ph in water
- Prevents growth of micro-organisms
- Concentrated food grade acid
- Contains phosphoric acid & nitric acid
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