Skim Milk 

Same nutrients. Less fat.

Skim milk


What is Skim milk?

If you are looking for the same nutrients as whole milk, but want to cut calories and fat, fat free (also known as skim) milk is a good choice. In fact, because it has less fat, there are just 80 calories in fat free milk in each 8-ounce glass.

There is a misperception that skim milk contains water to reduce the fat content — but that is not the case. The nine essential nutrients, including 8 grams of high-quality protein, remain intact.


Science-based health benefits of skim milk

A healthy diet should include 3 cups of dairy products each day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. However, full-fat dairy products contain saturated fat, a type of fat associated with cardiovascular disease.

Skim milk, also called nonfat milk, is a smart dietary choice because it's low in fat. Each 1-cup serving of the milk contains just 0.2 grams of fat, including 0.1 grams of saturated fat -- compared to almost 5 grams of fat in a cup of 2 percent milk.

State of the art

MFP will build the best to make the best

With highly technical computerized and specialized equipment and most mundane and repetitive “line-assembly” types of jobs will be limited, more jobs will be higher paying and require a higher education.

Running these machines requires expertise. On-site support will help ensure that operators are using the machines properly. 

Promoting Montana

Promoting our brand is promoting Montana

Montana is known as The Treasure State for its abundance of precious natural resources. We believe that Montana honey producers make the purest and highest quality raw honey that can be found anywhere.

MFP will engage with Montana producers to supply us with the fresh ingredients to make our dairy products.

These relationships, with everyone from bee keepers to dairy farmers, will help grow the economy.

Building Montana Business

MFP investing in Montana.


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