What is Yogurt?
Yogurt is a popular dairy product that's made by the bacterial fermentation of milk.
The bacteria used to make yogurt are called "yogurt cultures," which ferment lactose, the natural sugar found in milk.
This process produces lactic acid, a substance that causes milk proteins to curdle, giving yogurt its unique flavor and texture.
Yogurt can be made from all types of milk. Varieties made from skim milk are considered fat-free, whereas those made from whole milk are considered full-fat.
Plain yogurt without added colorants is a white, thick liquid with a tangy flavor.
Science-based health benefits of natural yogurt.
Yogurt is rich in nutrients and may boost your health when consumed regularly.
It may help reduce the risk of some diseases, while also benefiting digestive health and weight control.
However, make sure to choose your yogurt wisely. For maximal health benefits, choose plain, unsweetened varieties that contain probiotics.