Our Goal

Our goal is to play a vital role in positioning the Montana Dairy and Poultry Industries to compete effectively and create opportunities for growth and investment.

MFP would be producing specialty products with a strong branding strategy that would put Montana at the top of these markets.

MFP pledges to protect Montana's Agricultural Heritage, a key component of the county's growth policy.

 Benefiting Montana Poultry & Dairy Farmers.


Value Added  Dairy Processing 

Madison Food Park’s Value Added Dairy Processing will Benefit Montana Dairy Farmers.

Montana’s Dairy Industry is in need of additional opportunity if these producers are to stay in business

Montana plants currently account for only small percentages of all dairy products consumed by Montanans


Value Added Poultry Processing 

Broiler Chickens being sold in local Montana grocery stores come from Arkansas, North and South Carolina, Nebraska, California and Texas.

The Montana Broiler Chicken industry needs to be built from the ground up including Broiler Breeding Barns, Hatching, Commercial Broiler Production and Processing. This will create a huge
opportunity and additional revenue to Montana Producers with very good ROI.

Value Added  Distilled products

Madison Food Park’s Value Added Dairy Processing will Benefit Montana Dairy Farmers.

Montana’s Dairy Industry is in need of additional opportunity if these producers are to stay in business

Montana plants currently account for only small percentages of all dairy products consumed by Montanans

Value Added  Montana Brands

Broiler Chickens being sold in local Montana grocery stores come from Arkansas, North and South Carolina, Nebraska, California and Texas.

The Montana BroilerChicken industry needs to be built from the ground up including Broiler Breeding Barns, Hatching, Commercial Broiler Production and Processing.

This will create a huge opportunity and additional revenue to Montana Producers with very good ROI.


pounds of milk

by Montana Dairies


gallons of milk

by Montananas


pounds  of icecream

by Montanans

The largest volume opportunity for Montana is cheese

for the future 

state of the art for the state

Montana is currently not in the position to enter the commodity cheese market, which requires plants with low productions costs and the ability to process 1-2 million pounds of cheese daily.

Our proposed facilities could produce specialty products, typically using 3,000 to 30,000 pounds of milk daily.

Our facility could use up to 3.5 million pounds of milk a year and could support 20 percent of Montana’s yogurt consumption.



MFP will create opportunities in all sectors

Local trades will be relied upon to lend their expertise and talents to build the MFP Cheese facility.

• Construction
• Electrical
• Landscaping
• Plumbing
• Road workers 

Wide variety of jobs 

A wide variety of skilled and production workers will be needed to fill positions such as:

• Waste water management
• Solar engineers
• Data systems engineers
• CIP personnel
• Janitorial
• Food inspection
• Quality control
• Shipping and receiving

High value  niche products

Promoting a Montana Brand

Our Montana Brand products include yogurt, specialty cheese, butter and carbonated milk products.

Class II includes cottage cheese, sour cream, ice cream, egg nog and yogurt. Class III includes hard cheese, butter and cream cheese.

Friend to Dairy Farmers

Got milk?

The Dairy Industry in Montana is simply not profitable, and many producers have closed
their production facilities. The fact is that the milk prices are too low for a dairy to survive.

With a Dairy Processing Facility which produces Skim Milk, Cheese, Butter and
Protein Drinks, it is possible to pay a lot higher for the Montana-sourced Milk and
creating a big opportunity.

Currently, most of the Skim Milk, Butter and Cheese comes  from Wisconsin, Indiana, California and other States because Montana simply does not have any processing facility to Add Value locally.

Friend to Poultry Farmers

Being a good neighbor.

Madison Food Park’s location in central Montana provides the obvious solution to controlling rising trucking and transportation costs for our neighbors in the farming and dairy industry.

Friend to local businesses

Growing together

The spin off business from MFP activities are estimated 4:1. For economic dollars
being produced by MFP, other business will benefit four times that amount.

Businesses such as transportation, energy, housing, medical, legal, retail, restaurants and entertainment would benefit from the anticipated growth and inevitable increase of the population.

Friend to the environment 

Being a responsible company

MFP is finely tuned to being good a steward of the land. The goal is to stay “off-grid” and produce electricity on-site with state-of-the-art natural gas fired generators.

The generators will be using energy sources from solar, wind, steam, battery and natural gas.

Furthermore, the affluent, by-products and rendering will be turned into methane gas which will also be used as heating energy.

Water treatment will be achieved by the use of reverse osmosis and a biotechnology process involving layers of fiberglass pipes and growing algae, which will return the used water into potable water.

The water treatment process will enable MFP to use the same water up-to 6 times, essentially reducing the fresh water use by a factor of 6. 


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Madison Food Park All Madison Food Park Logos images are trademarked materials are copyright protected. Any unlicensed use of the MFP image, or likeness thereof to the trademarked and copyrighted materials in any form, will be considered a purposeful violation of these protections. 17 U.S. Code § 501 / 17 U.S. Code § 503 / 17 U.S. Code § 504 /17 U.S. Code § 505