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Advanced Biological Nutrient Recovery (ABNR) system

increases dissolved oxygen and produces no chemical by-products

Advanced Biological Nutrient Recovery (ABNR) system

maximizes the recovery of excess nutrients, increases dissolved oxygen, and produces no chemical by-products.



A leader in the next generation of advanced water treatment systems.

The CLEARAS Advanced Biological Nutrient Recovery (ABNR™) system is a controlled and continuous flow environment that leverages a facility’s existing microbiology – algae and other biological organisms – to recover excess phosphorus, nitrogen and other high-profile contaminants in wastewater.

The process

Modeled after traditional activated sludge processes, our patented system (U.S. Patent #8101080) harnesses microbiology in a photobioreactor environment that accelerates photosynthesis, the consumption of carbon dioxide and excess nutrients. Advanced microfiltration is then used to filter out high quality water from return activated algae, which returns to the beginning of the ABNR process.

Advanced solution

The ABNR Solution is an advanced non-chemical treatment that achieves best-in-class performance with phosphorus and nitrogen recovery to near non-detect levels, while reducing other harmful contaminants in wastewater


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