Blend the timeless tradition of granite headstones with the newest technology available.
Personalized Memorial Website & Custom QR code Plaque Engraving
To harness the power of QR codes, QR Memorials laser-engraves a unique code on a stainless steel plaque that can be attached to a headstone or other memorial of your departed loved ones.
The encoded URL inside the engraved QR code refers to a special web site that you automatically construct through our web application. First, you create a login ID, and register the unique number on the plaque. QR Memorials will then provide you tools to create text, upload images, and type in references to online video, etc. so that you can augment your physical memorial with an electronic one. By using our application, there is no need for special web development skills, to create a compelling memorial to highlight the life of your loved one.
Our QR Plaques can refer to flexible destinations. You can point your QR Plaque to,, or any other memorial website of your choice and the plaque destination can be changed to a new location at any time. Many sites are available on the web for your use at low or no cost. For those that don’t have an online memorial, we offer a mobile-optimized website and companion administration tool to create your own customized QR memorial.
The QR plaque has special adhesive on its reverse side so that it can be attached to the memorial stone. With careful application and choice of location, this plaque will remain attached through all weather conditions, cemetery maintenance, and time. We suggest mounting it on the surrounding concrete so that you don’t risk damaging the granite of the memorial stone. Yet it can still help visitors easily find this special enhancement to your loved one’s memorial.